
Caution: office!


What dangers can lie in wait for white-collar workers in warm, comfortable rooms? After all, we are not talking about harmful production! However, doctors say that not everything is so simple ...

Any comfort has a downside. Work in a modern office is no exception. Here are five of the classic ailments of office workers.
Tears are not enough
Quickly get tired with visual loads, periodically there is a burning sensation, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes? Most likely, you have dry eye syndrome - a typical problem for office workers. Found: spending a lot of time at the computer, we blink 3 times less than usual, which means we moisturize our eyes less - hence the unpleasant sensations. And glare and flicker of the monitor only exacerbate the situation, increasing eyestrain.
What to do?
• Watch your posture: the smaller the distance between the screen and the eyes, the faster they get tired. The ideal distance is 50-60cm.
• After every 30 minutes of working at the computer, take a short break to give your eyes a break and do special gymnastics: perform circular rotations with the eyes first, clockwise, then against it; blink often, squint several times in a row; alternately look at the object near you (for example, a pen), then at a distant object (building, tree outside the window).
• For dry eye syndrome, doctors prescribe eye drops, artificial analogues of a tear, etc. If necessary, an ophthalmologist will select the most effective remedies for you. Just do not get carried away with self-medication: without a special need to use such drugs is not worth it.
• More often include cabbage, spinach, bell pepper, carrots, beets, and blueberries in your diet. They contain vitamins and minerals important to the eyes.
On a clear head
Headache is not uncommon among office workers. There are plenty of reasons for this: the love of coffee that we are trying to cheer up, stressful situations, general overwork, lack of fresh air, an abundance of office equipment that creates electromagnetic fields that are harmful to our health.
What to do?
• Green the office: plants such as philodendron, dracaena, ficus Benjamin, etc., are able to clean the air of toxic substances released by building materials, furniture, carpet.
• From time to time, arrange through ventilation in the workrooms: an influx of fresh air prevents the development of a headache.
• Do not abuse coffee! Under the influence of caffeine, the venous vessels expand - as a result, the brain is washed more intensively than usual by blood. That headache. Want to cheer up? Have a cup of green tea or cocoa. They "work" no worse than coffee, but act on the body more gently. In addition, the substances contained in these drinks improve memory, attention, and make our "gray cells" function better.
• Feeling a headache approaching? First massage clockwise the point between the eyebrows, and then the paired points in the center of the temporal fossae.
Keep your back straight
About 70% of office "residents" complain of back pain, a numb neck and shoulders. There is nothing surprising here. Remember how you usually sit? Most likely, in a bent position, almost not looking up from papers on a table or from a computer monitor. And so for several hours in a row! Due to prolonged static load and excessive tension of the muscles of the cervical and thoracic spine, pinching of the ends of the roots of the spinal nerves occurs. Hence, a feeling of discomfort in the neck, back and lower back, weakness in the hands, frequent headache and even tinnitus.
What to do?
• Do not slouch! Ideally, the spine should be pressed in the back of the chair, the feet rest on the floor, the legs bent at the knees at a right angle.
• If you have to sit for a long time, put a small flat pillow or a special stabilizer under the lower back (it is fixed to the back of the chair).
• To relieve muscle tension, do a warm-up: move your shoulders, spread and connect the shoulder blades, make body turns left and right, perform a circular rotation of the head and finally massage your neck and neck with your fingers.
• Do you work at home? Instead of the usual chair, use a special ball. Maintaining balance on it is not so difficult - a matter of habit, but the muscles will constantly work, and blood will circulate faster. This will help prevent back pain and the development of hemorrhoids, which is also not uncommon with a sedentary lifestyle.
For your two
When a person is in a stationary position for a long time (standing or sitting), his venous blood outflow worsens. As a result, there are swelling and heaviness in the legs, and eventually vascular asterisks, which may indicate the onset of varicose veins.
What to do?
• Get up from the table every hour - go to the printer, go up the stairs to the floor above or below.
• When scanning or printing documents, shift from foot to foot or roll from heel to toe.
• Try to leave the office at lunchtime - an extra walk will benefit your veins.
• When you get home, lie down for several minutes, resting your feet on a small elevation - an ottoman or folded blanket. This will help relieve veins and relieve fatigue from the legs.
Be healthy!
Office is a haven for viruses. Their spread contributes to a large crowding of people. As soon as someone sneezes alone, the whole team clutching handkerchiefs in unison. According to statistics, men are the weakest link: they suffer from seasonal infections more often than women. Of course, the whole team had to get vaccinated against flu
in the fall, but you can improve the situation in the office now.
What to do?
• Encourage sick staff to stay home. There is little sense from a cold person at work, and he can do a lot of harm by spreading the infection around him.
• Install humidifiers in the cabinets. It gets too dry when heating is working.Because of this, the mucous membranes also dry out, ceasing to be a barrier to viruses. A fountain or saucer with water will also help.
• When coughing and sneezing around, wash your hands more often. To get infected, just scratch your nose with dirty hands or rub your eyes. Keep wet wipes or antibacterial gel on your desktop.
Text: Ivan Belokrylov. Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: EXTENDED Koi Pond Fall EXCLUSIVE - The Office US (January 2025).