
A future without caries has become possible


A few years ago, dentists could not with absolute certainty answer the question: does humanity have a chance to defeat caries?

According to statistics, caries is a problem of almost every adult and most children. According to the World Health Organization, 5.6 billion people on our planet suffer from tooth decay: 80% of school-age children and 99% of adults. Caries can be called a real epidemic of the XXI century.
About existing methods and prospects in the treatment and prevention of caries, says Alexei Bolyachin, dentist, MD, Colgate expert on the problems of diagnosis and prevention of caries.
"The main reason for the development of caries is sugar. Many people mistakenly believe that it is found only in confectionery products and, if you limit yourself to sweets, there will be no problems with teeth. This is not at all true, sugar is found in almost all products. Judge for yourself: ordinary an apple contains about six cubes of sugar, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice - as many as twelve! Certain types of bacteria in the oral cavity process it with the release of substances harmful to tooth enamel - organic acids. First they dissolve the mineral components of the enamel, thereby destroying it, and then deeper tissues of the tooth.
The process proceeds gradually, and at the beginning of the person nothing bothers, but at this time the enamel of the teeth is already destroyed, in which it first loses calcium, then becomes thinner, and a defect appears on it. On examination, it looks like a white spot on the enamel with a rough and glossy surface. Dentists call this stage of caries development the stage of the "chalk spot". Then the spot darkens (pigmented) and, if you do not take action, can become a small hole, and then a full carious cavity. Unfortunately, most patients turn to the dentist only at an irreversible stage, and the process could have been stopped much earlier if proper prevention was carried out and a dentist was visited twice a year.
Prevention of caries is, first and foremost, thorough oral care using high-quality hygiene products. Dentists recommend fluoride toothpaste to patients. Such toothpastes remineralize the enamel, strengthening it, but they do not affect the sugar acids produced after each meal.
After eight years of clinical research, Colgate’s specialists have created a unique toothpaste that uses the patented Sugar Acid Converter ™ technology. It consists of natural components: the amino acid arginine and calcium carbonate, which provide advantages in the prevention of caries in comparison with conventional fluoride-containing pastes.
Colgate® Toothpaste Maximum Caries Protection + Sugar Acid Converter ™helps to reduce the formation of new cavities and to reduce the manifestation of caries in the early stages, restores damaged enamel. "
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
