
How to decorate a lampshade: 14 ideas with instructions


Paper and fabric, braid and lace, paint and colored tape, even coffee filters, paper plates and maps - all this can be used to decorate the lamp shade of a lamp, sconce or floor lamp.

1. Shade with fabric ruffles

Fabric for frills can be selected in the color of the lampshade or contrast. Cut it into strips, then fold each in half lengthwise and iron. Lubricate the folds with glue (fabric glue or glue gun is suitable) and stick to the lampshade, forming folds and bends. The edges of the strips can not be processed - this is even more interesting.

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2. Lampshade with roses made of fabric

Roses are folded from strips of fabric and glued to the finished lampshade.

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How to make flowers from fabric and where you can use them

3. Lampshade decorated with coffee filters

Such a lampshade looks like a designer thing, but is done very simply - from properly crumpled and glued coffee filters.

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4. Paper plate lampshade

Another amazing work, which is quite simple to do. On each paper plate, draw 2 parallel lines in the middle, bend the plate and glue it to the lampshade.

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5. Lampshade made of colored fabric

To make such a lampshade, neither a thread nor a needle will be required, but you can use the rest of the fabric - for example, bedspreads or pillowcases left for sewing from pillows for decorative pillows. The fabric must be cut into strips and wrapped with a lampshade frame, securing with fabric glue. Contrast material can be applied to the upper and lower rims.

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6. Lace lampshade

Such a lampshade looks like a truly ancient thing, especially if you use vintage lace or specially aged for it. You can take the whole lace fabric, cut out motifs from it and sew or crochet round motifs and also sew. For aging, you can use tea infusion - soak the lace in it, rinse and dry. Release the frame from the previous lampshade and secure it with a new lace needle and thread.

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7. Lampshade made of cord or knit yarn

By the way, if you knit, then the lampshade can also be knitted - for example, by crochet, from thick knitted yarn or a cotton cord.

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8. A lampshade from a sweater

But even if you don’t knit, a knitted lampshade can be made easily - for example, using an unnecessary sweater, scarf or a piece of thick textured knitwear. Wrap the lampshade with knit and glue the material from the inside.

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9. Lampshade with golden chevrons

With the help of masking tape or electrical tape and gold paint, an ordinary white lampshade turns into a lampshade decorated with chevrons. The main thing is to stick tape or tape evenly and do not remove until the paint dries.

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10. Lampshade with a braid pattern

The effect of the pattern of stripes on the lampshade can be achieved without using paint. In this case, for example, the lampshade is “painted” with strips of lace lace. They can be pulled on a lampshade, and sewed or glued from the inside.

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Eleven.Paper lampshade with a pattern

This method is also suitable if you have a ready-made one-color lampshade that you want to make more interesting, and when there is only its frame from the lampshade. In the first case, with beautiful paper, you just need to glue the plain shade. In the second - you have to make a pattern. Well, if you still have fabric or paper from the previous version of the lampshade, you can use it as a pattern. If there is no pattern, measure the upper and lower rims, as well as the height of the lampshade, and add bonding allowances. Paper can be glued to the frame with masking tape, and then mask the place of attachment with a strip of patterned paper.

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12. Map lampshade

In the same way as in the idea above, you can make a lampshade from a geographical map.

Photo and source:

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13. Lampshade with a pattern of colored tape

This bright unusual pattern is not drawn on the lampshade, but glued - you can use colored tape or sticky paper.

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14. Lampshade with photos

Make a collage of memorable photos and print it - you can do it yourself if skills and technical capabilities allow, or by contacting a print office. Take into account the dimensions you need, for this, first measure the lampshade. The finished listing will only have to be glued to the base.

Photo and source: mommymoment. ca
