
How to create comfort at home: 10 easy ways


These simple ways will add coziness and home warmth to even the most minimalistic interior.

1. Decorative pillows


Pillows and pillows are not only a convenient accessory that allows you to sit comfortably on a sofa or armchair. Among other things, decorative pillows are a great way to add room and interesting accents, and comfort. Despite the apparent simplicity of these accessories, they are capable of a lot, and it is almost impossible to overdo it with the quantity. Designer's tips on which pillows are in fashion now and how to correctly choose them for the interior, read here. Decorative pillows are also good because their appearance is quite simple to change by stitching new covers for them - read about it here.

Pillowcases for decorative pillows - do it yourself: 7 workshops

2. Blankets and bedspreads


If a chair or sofa has lost its former appeal, you can sew covers for them (how to do this, read here). Perhaps you are not yet ready for this rather large-scale work - then use the simpler option: cover upholstered furniture with new bedspreads or blankets. You can make the plaids the same or pick up a little different, but in harmony with each other - experiment!

Do-it-yourself blankets: 6 simple workshops

3. Seasonal textiles


Designer's Council related to home textiles: first of all, for curtains, plus - for the plaids and pillows mentioned above. Get two seasonal sets of textiles: autumn-winter and spring-summer. Change pillowcases for decorative pillows, rugs and bedspreads, curtains according to the season. In summer, lighter, thinner, cooler-touch fabrics (for example, cotton, silk) are good, in winter - heavy, dense, warm, soft (for example, wool, velvet).

How to sew curtains with your own hands: simple workshops and interesting ideas

4. Dim light


The so-called "ceiling light" in the form of a lamp or chandelier on the ceiling is usually present in every room. But it is not he who gives special cosiness, but the so-called spot lighting. Table lamps, floor lamps, sconces, small nightlights - with their help it is possible to designate areas in the room, and create a twilight so conducive to relaxation. By the way, you can also use garlands of small bulbs as spotlights, placing them on a wall, window, shelf or head of the bed.

Hugge fashion: 6 rules of Danish comfort

5. Candles

@ johny_random22

What can create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth better than a living fire? There is no fireplace - light candles! They are appropriate on the festive table during the gala evening, and on the bedside table, and on the coffee table in the living room, in the kitchen, and in the bathroom. By the way, you can make candles with your own hands, choosing the color and even the aroma to your liking.

DIY candles: a master class and 12 ideas

6. Plants

A bouquet of flowers in a vase, geranium in a pot on the windowsill or sprawling ficus in a tub on the floor - any greenery makes the house cozier, more beautiful and more lively.If you don’t like the idea of ​​planting a real flower, hang at least a “floristic” picture or poster. Even the plants depicted on the wallpaper can revive the interior!

We decorate the house with flowers

7. Mirrors

In addition to its main function - to show us our reflections - mirrors add light to rooms and expand space. And mirrors, decorated in beautiful frames, according to the decorative load, can quite replace paintings or posters. By the way, if you hang a mirror opposite the window, you can observe the reflected landscape as a picture in it. Another point: when choosing a mirror in a store, look at it from all sides: you should like your reflection!

We decorate a mirror: 7 workshops

8. Carpets


Carpets are back in fashion - yes, and carpets on the walls too! A small carpet on the wall can serve as a decorative panel, and a larger carpet can replace the wallpaper used to accent one wall in the rest of the plain room. Carpet on the floor is a more traditional and calm option: it is more difficult to make a mistake here. Properly selected, it “collects” the interior and can even become its main emphasis. In addition, any carpet adds silence, warmth and comfort to the room.

Do-it-yourself carpets and rugs: 4 workshops and 20 ideas

9. Fragrance

Each house has its own special smell - you must have noticed it. In creating an atmosphere of comfort, aromas are of considerable importance. You can add your favorite scents to your home with the help of special aroma diffusers, scented candles, incense, sachets with flowers and herbs.By the way, if an unpleasant smell has settled in the room, then it is better not to try to drown it out with other aromas, but to try to remove it. Natural green tea bags can help with this: place them around the room in inconspicuous corners, they will “absorb” odors.

The command of the heart: do-it-yourself lavender sachet

10. Lack of excess

There is a simple way to give the room a neat appearance: you need to collect and remove all unnecessary things lying on horizontal surfaces. Floor, shelves, chairs, table, chest of drawers, armchairs and sofa - free everything from the things that were once put there and bored without work. You will be surprised how the room will be transformed. To keep things from creeping along surfaces in the future, use organizers and baskets.

Ideas for storage - interior baskets: 5 workshops
