A charming pendant-shaped bug will be a great addition to a bright polymer clay necklace that even children can make with their own hands.
You will need:
✽ light green and blue green polymer clay✽ acrylic scooter
Polymer clay modeling tools
✽ black half beads with a diameter of 5 mm
Кольцо metal ring for jewelry
White elastic threads
✽ round mold for cutting 4 cm in diameter
Thick needle for sewing
Kitchen knife
King of all colors: clay peony
Step 1
From a light green polymer clay to form a ball, roll it to an thickness of approx. 3 mm and using a cookie cut out a circle. On the circle, distribute small dots of blue-green.Step 2
Also form two paws and an oval head from the balls. Press the half beads as eyes, and use the modeling tools to draw a smile.Step 3
Stick paws and head to the body. Using a thick needle, make a hole for the metal ring. On the paws, make recesses.
Step 4
From polymer clay of light green and blue-green colors, roll out bundles with a diameter of approx. 1 cm, cut them into approx. 1 cm and form balls. Use a needle to make holes in the balls.If necessary, correct the shape of the balls. Prepare beads (depending on the length of the necklace, approximately 20-30 pieces).
Polymer clay bracelet: master class
Step 5
Place the details in the oven for baking. After cooling, attach a metal ring to the turtle. Attach an elastic thread to the ring and on both sides with the help of a needle string the beads, alternating them in color. Tie the ends of the thread tightly.Source and photo: Burda. My favorite hobby 1/2018
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova